Indraprastha Automobiles embarked on its journey in the year 2005 as one of the reputed and prestigious dealerships of Mahindra and Mahindra.
We offer commercial vehicles that are known for their excellence, quality and worth.
Our dealership offers three-wheelers, Utility vehicles, LCVs as well as HCVs and personal also that stand to their truest balance and perfection.
Our products are not only meant for niche market rather they have become viable products for various small scale businesses and other industries.
Our goal is simple and mission is clear. For us, success depends on motivating employees, recognizing and rewarding them for their contribution into the organization. We work with people and make sure that their time and efforts are considered properly.
By doing this, we retain them for a longer period. Moreover, our knowledge of the automobile sector accompanied with customer-centric approach makes us grow towards the path of success.